Saturday, September 20, 2008

Janea & Bill

Saturday took me out to the Chapel on the hill by Shandon for Janea and Bill's wedding ceremony.  It's so unique and cool out there.  I actually got engaged there that's how cool it is.
local resident
handsome man
It's small so some guests inside and some out
appreciating the umbrella
it feels good
Carmody McKnight vineyard for the reception...very pretty there.
Bees were after the appetizers.  It's hard to see them but those light specks in the tree are bees - there were actually hundreds.
Everybody acted like they were beekeepers and didn't worry about it.  I ran.
pretty spot
cute kids
cute cat
cool people, good night

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Alisa & Kelly

Beautiful day in Santa Barbara...perfect for a rooftop wedding.
Alisa and the girls doing pictures at the sunken gardens.
Mom getting a little verklempt.

Then it was like adventure ride with 50 people in a van late and rushing back to the Canary hotel...glad I got to be there for that.
Everbody was ready for us on the rooftop.
Kelly was ready to see his lady.
I like it when they get all mushy.
It looked cool from up there.
More mushy.
Cake yummy...
This girl makes a dramatic catch.
He tossed this so fast nobody even realized it.
Nice night.