Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Neurotopia TV Spot - ADD / ADHD

How awesome is this kid? Very awesome. It's cool to hear about the improvements that these kids see when they do the Neurofeedback treatments. They like going too, because it's pretty much just playing video games.

Neurotopia TV Spot - Chronic Pain

The woman in this piece is really cool. I saw her again months after this interview and she is still doing great. I've also interviewed a bunch of other people with chronic pain for Neurotopia who have had amazing results. It's awesome.

Neurotopia TV Spot - Migraines

I have interviewed so many people for Neurotopia with crazy migraine problems that got completely fixed. It's crazy! I love it. Here is our TV spot highlighting migraines that aired During the Dr. Oz show on a few local networks.